For more than a year now we’ve all been working to adapt and be more effective in our ‘Work-From-Home’ modes and things have really shaped up for most of us. But now that vaccination drives are nearing the finish lines and life seems to be getting back to the ‘new normal’ , the majority of us are looking at getting back to work, and not just figuratively. Staffing agencies and healthcare recruitment agencies across the country have picked up on their hiring and teamed up with their HR partners to make the transition easier for the employees.
While scores of articles have already been written about what changes to expect as managers and entrepreneurs, not a lot has been said about what ‘you’, an employee, can expect differently when you return to your desk. Here is a list of the top 5 workplace changes that you could expect in the post-pandemic era.
- Re-routing the Work-Life Routine: We have struggled to create a work routine that would least interfere with our family time and personal lives over the last year, and yet most have had no choice but to take those “very important work calls” during dinner time or pull all-nighters to meet those tricky-deadlines. But now, going back to work is going to make the concept of office hours more real and concrete. So take a step back, re-strategize your daily routine and send a clear message to your peers that ‘Out of Office’ is back in style.
- Re-introduce Yourself: Not to imply that the recruitment agencies in the UK have been busy at their jobs the past couple of months, but be sure to expect to see at least some new faces at work. However, the re-introduction is not only for the benefit of the new hires but for your old colleagues as well. The Covid situation has changed most of us in many ways – personally and professionally. Some of us have identified new passions and talents and some have upgraded their skill-sets to become more competitive. By re-introducing yourself you not only get to share your newly adopted skills and interests with your colleagues, but you also set in motion a chain reaction where everyone feels welcome to open up about their newfound interests.
- Work From Anywhere: Another point on the plus side is that you can expect a lot more flexibility at work than before the pandemic. Your managers are going to be less skeptical about you wanting to work from home because your babysitter canceled. In fact, you can expect many of your colleagues choosing to continue working-from-home (if your company is open to it of course). So get comfortable with Zoom or Teams or any other virtual meeting tool that your group endorses – they are not disappearing anytime soon.
- More Understanding Bosses: If there is one thing that the virus has taught company owners and top management, then it is to be more open with employees, understand their concerns, and be more receptive to their suggestions and opinions. So as an employee, that’s good news. You can expect to be involved in more group discussions and team meetings about company processes. You might also get more face-time with your bosses as they try to help you transition smoothly to the ‘new normal’ at the workplace. Make sure to use this space to set your expectations clearly and to bring a better balance to your work and personal life.
- Continue Safety Protocols: Even as we all rush back to our chairs, it is important to remember that Covid -19 is not yet a thing of the past. Amid speculations about new strains surfacing and another wave approaching, it is best to continue practising all the safety protocols that you religiously followed during the lockdown days. From sanitizing your workspace, washing hands regularly, and wearing masks when meeting new people or attending large meetings, these safety measures will help you stay safe. At the end of the day, none of us should be taking back more work or viruses home.